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The Skilled Workforce Shortage


Facilitator Manual: 67 pages – Participant Manual 69 pages

Every company, every government agency and every not-for-profit organization in North America is facing a situation never before seen – a severe shortage of skilled labour.

By taking this workshop, participants will be better equipped to assist your organization in addressing this challenge while identifying opportunities for their personal growth and advancement in this new environment.

Sample Participant's Manual Sample Facilitator's Manual
SKU: WS-TSWS Category:


Your BBC Workshops Programs are $1,500 each set. (Prices shown in Canadian funds, taxes extra).

Manuals can be supplied as ePublications, or printed and supplied in a wide range of formats and bindings to suit your needs and budget. All manuals are fully white-labelled to your specifications.

To ensure we provide you with a product that meets all your needs and is fully branded with your logo and information, please contact Paul Abra our publishing and training specialist and he will be happy to give you a non-obligation consultation. Please visit our contact page for more information.

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